Tag Archives: Aloha
Meditation Switches Off Disease Causing Genes
Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that deep relaxation seems to switch off 'disease causing' genes, while switching on genes that actively protect us from disorders such as high blood pressure to pain to infertility and even rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers … Continue reading
Massage : Luxury or Necessity?
Do you ever feel selfish when you get a massage? Like you're some kind of diva doing something deliciously indulgent? I used to, but not any more. I now recognize that massage therapy, like any other kind of … Continue reading
Why Aloha? ~ part two
Aloha ~ It is a rich word with many meanings to many people. We looked at some thoughts in Part One of our "Why Aloha?" series. Here, in Part Two we'll explorate some excerpts from the article "Origins of Aloha" … Continue reading
Why Aloha?
It's a burning question for our patients – "Why Aloha?" We'll explore the answer in a series of blog posts, but let's start with a simple definition. At it's most basic, Aloha is used as a salutation to say … Continue reading